and in 13 years, they won't talk to me at all

Trixie and Dixie have certainly been talking their little pants off lately. which is both exhilarating and terrifying.

exhilarating because i get a kick out of Dixie's insistent "nyooo!" and out of Trixie's earnest "uh-owhhh." as well as they way they ask if it's time to "eat?" how the tell me their body parts "noh....eye....ear...har...." how they tell other kids at daycare stop, and sister, and no ma'am! and how when told to do something, they respond "i will!" with attitude.

and hilarious how, despite his best efforts to be called Papá, Trixie has christened her father "DADah!"

terrifying because....weren't they just babies? wasn't that them in their car seats sitting inside the shopping cart at Sam's on our Saturday morning shopping excursions?

wasn't that just me so excited that they could pull themselves up to a stand at the couch?

one of the hardest things for a modestly middle class family to do is pay daycare expenses for multiples. i have often asked god to please, speed up along to kindergarten for a break in expenses.

....i didn't mean it, god.


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