and then I had Trixie and Dixie. and their dad because an ardent, faithful, and obediant servant to the gods of Motrin.
This past weekend, Trixie had a congested, runny nose. Early in the morning, she coughed once or twice as she was waking up. That led to this genius level conversation between me and her dad:
"do you have any Motrín?
"we should give her some."
"why? Motrin is a fever reducer and pain reliever. she doesn't have a fever."
"because she has a runny nose."
"Motrin is a fever reducer and pain reliever."
"but she coughed. i think she would feel better if you gave her some Motrín."
"oh. well, if you're not going to give her Motrín, can you go buy something to give her? something over the counter?"
*icy blank stare*
i don't know which part annoyed me the most, his desire to give her a drug that in no way, shape, or form could even possible address her symptoms OR his lack of knowledge of recommendations against giving OTC med to kids under six.
why do the mommies always have to be the ones staying on top of things???
Trix and Dix's dad was pretty unhappy when President Obama announced he'd be sending more troops to Afghanistan. Perhaps we could instead send the Taliban some Motrín.
I'm sure that would fix their terrorist ideology RIGHT UP, along with any sneezing, depression, or hair loss they may be experiencing.
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