A moment to consider Privilege

I went shopping this weekend to try to find shoes for Trixie and Dixie.

Okay, bad parent confession number 491: my kids are pulling up to a stand and trying to take little puny steps and i haven’t bothered to buy them shoes. But i’m trying to change my evil ways.

My broke ass was in a store i had no business in trying to buy baby shoes when a woman wheeled past with her abundantly stocked shopping cart. She looked down at Trix and Dix and said “they are soooo precious! a boy and a girl?”

Okay, aside: both of my girls have their ears obviously pierced. so unless i am paying an especially bizarre homage to Adam Ant, why would one of my kids be a boy???

I told her that i, in fact, have two girls and she replied “oooff! you have a lot of wedding dresses to buy.”

It occurred to me that it must be really nice to automatically assume that 1) your daughters will marry and 2) you’ll be able to afford to purchase their dresses.

Of all the people i know who have married or come damnclosetoit, only ONE has had the fortune of having her parents pay for her wedding completely. In my world, the notion of having a parent pay for your wedding dress is as wonderful a wish as 99 cent gas and a 100 calorie slice of red velvet cake.

In that brief moment of interaction, i saw clearly the line of privilege that separated us from one another.

And then i looked over at a pair of baby shoes with the price tag $28.00 and realized i was behind enemy lines FOR REAL!!!


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